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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 上海市 普陀区 上海市普陀区联合大厦
  • 姓名: 杨余
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    CNI 508N1

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 电子测量仪器 耐压仪/绝缘测试仪
  • 发布日期:2025-01-21
  • 阅读量:1050
  • 价格:8000.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海普陀  
  • 关键词:emtest,emc

    CNI 508N1详细内容

    CNI 508N1 适用于可达 1GBit/s 的非屏蔽及屏蔽高速通信线测试的耦合/去耦网络
    CNI 508N1标准 
    CN 508N1 - Coupling Network 
    SPN 508N1 - Surge Protection Network 
    CNI 508N1 - Coupling/Decoupling Network 
    Testing high-speed communication lines 
    Meeting PoE and PoE+ Requirements 
    CNI 508N1技术数据
    CNI 508N1 Highlights
    CNI 508N1 Coupling to unshielded and shielded lines with up to 4 pairs 
    CNI 508N1 Surge test voltage up to 4kV (1.2/50us) 
    CNI 508N1 Data transfer up to 1,000MBit/s 
    CNI 508N1 Residual voltage max. 20V at 2kV 
    CNI 508N1 Ringwave test voltage up to 4kV (0.5us/100kHz) 
    CNI 508N1 Burst test voltage up to 4kV (5/50ns) 
    CNI 508N1 DUT/AE connection via RJ45 connectors 
    CNI 508N1 Compatible to PoE and PoE+ requirements 
    CNI 508N1 Application 
    CNI 508N1 - Coupling/decoupling assembly for unshielded and shielded high-speed communication lines
     The EM TEST CNI 508N1 assembly is the first coupling/decoupling network available on the market to couple Surge onto unshielded and shielded high-speed communication lines with data rates up to 1,000MBit/s. 
    The CNI 508N1 assembly consists of a coupling network CN 508N1, a decoupling network CNI 508N1 and a protection equipment SPN 508N1 to limit the residual voltage at the AE side.
    Additionally, the CNI 508N1 can be used as a coupling/decoupling network to apply Surge as well as Ringwave and Burst pulses to shielded lines.
    CNI 508N1 标准 
    CNI 508N1  EN 61000-4-12 
    CNI 508N1  EN 61000-4-4 
    CNI 508N1  EN 61000-4-5 
    CNI 508N1  EN 61000-6-1 
    CNI 508N1  EN 61000-6-2 
    CNI 508N1  IEC 61000-4-12 
    CNI 508N1  IEC 61000-4-4 
    CNI 508N1  IEC 61000-4-5 
    CN 508N1 - Coupling Network 
    Coupling Network for unshielded high-speed communication lines
     The CN 508N1 is the coupling device including the matching resistors and the coupling devices to couple the 1.2/50us surge pulse up to 4kV on to max. 8 high-speed communication lines. The CN 508N1 also supports PoE and PoE+ standard requirements as per IEEE 802.3af-2003 and IEEE 802.3at-2009.
    SPN 508N1 - Surge Protection Network 
    Surge Protection Network for unshielded and shielded high-speed communication lines
     The SPN 508N1 is required to appropriately decouple the surge pulses from the auxiliary equipment. Its specific design allows the full data transfer up to 1GBit/s without causing  degradation. The residual voltage at the AE port is limited to max. 10V@2kV surge voltage.
    CNI 508N1 - Coupling/Decoupling Network 
    CDN for undshielded and shielded high-speed communication lines
     The CNI 508N1 is a specifically designed CDN for testing high-speed communication lines. Its unique design allows data rates of up to 1,000MBit/s to be transmitted without degradation by the coupling/decoupling network. The decoupling network protects the auxiliary equipment limiting the residual voltage to max. 20V@2kV for common-mode surge test pulses. 
    Moreover, the CNI 508N1 fully supports PoE and PoE+ standard requirements as per IEEE 802.3.
    The CNI 508N1 may also be used for testing shielded cables as per IEC/EN 61000-4-5, Fig. 16. It simplifies the test set-up and offers proper decoupling of the auxiliary equipment as well as a high safety for the operator as the surge is coupled through the CNI 508N1 rather than being directly applied to the metallic case of the DUT.
    Additionally, the CNI 508N1 may also be used to couple Ringwave pulse (0.5us/100kHz) and burst pulses to shielded cables. 
    Testing high-speed communication lines 
    Test Set-up recommendation for unshielded high-speed communication lines
     Coupling of the surge pulses is achieved by means of the CN 508N1 coupling network while the CNI 508N1 acts as the decoupling unit. For additional protection of the auxiliary equipment by reducing the residual voltage level the SPN 508N1 is used.
    Meeting PoE and PoE+ Requirements 
    Test Set-up recommendations for PoE and PoE+
     Using the SPN 508N1 Surge Protection Network to decouple the surge pulses from the auxiliary equipment directly influences the capabilities of the CN 508N1 and the CNI 508N1 to comply with the PoE and the PoE+ requirements. It is therefore recommended to install the PoE supply between the SPN 508N1 and the CNI 508N1 for proper operation of the PoE system.

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